Overwriting of asset fails with Github release

I’m trying to update an existing Github release with new assets but getting the following error:

failed to deploy
POST https://uploads.github.com/repos/Return-To-The-Roots/libsiedler2/releases/20875891/assets?name=rttrUtils-windows-Nightly.tar.gz: 422 - Validation Failed
Error summary:
  resource: ReleaseAsset
  code: already_exists
  field: name // See: https://developer.github.com/v3 (Octokit::UnprocessableEntity)

Relevant build: https://travis-ci.com/Return-To-The-Roots/libsiedler2/jobs/248285063

Build running with the same target but different file/OS: https://travis-ci.com/Return-To-The-Roots/libsiedler2/jobs/248285062

Shown error there:
end of file reached (Faraday::ConnectionFailed)
failed to deploy

Yes, I have the same issue. Trying with both dpl v2 and v1. I’ll keep experimenting and see what the cause is.

In dpl v1 it does work. Have a look at https://github.com/Return-To-The-Roots/libsiedler2/blob/56ac0cfab9be2e1558fd24ba3bf9f5c71b21f4ca/.travis.yml where we do releases for windows+linux

I wanted to switch to dpl v2 but that didn’t work

I seem to be hitting the same problem: https://travis-ci.com/github/ogerardin/xpman/builds/173556832
I have 3 jobs (Linux, Mac, Windows) deploying to the same GitHub release. The Linux deploy works fine, the Mac and Windows fail with “Faraday::ConnectionFailed”.

I’m not using dpl v2, unless it has become the default.

How did you solve this?