Openjdk6 no longer installs on trusty

See failing for openjdk9 and 10 ; very likely to be the same set of problems caused by , as best I can tell what is happening.

Ya except I am able to get JDK7 to install here

Is there a long term solution to this?

jdk7 and 8 are the only versions which have been stable for me over the last few weeks. (but I havent been using 13+)

which is a bit ironic because the installer script seems to only be CI tested on jdk9+

I guess the installer script will be enhanced soon, or an alternative implemented.

As per The Trusty Build Environment - Travis CI , you need to install OpenJDK 6 with apt:

OpenJDK 6 is not installed. To use OpenJDK 6, install openjdk-6-jdk package. For example, using apt addon:

      - openjdk-6-jdk
jdk: openjdk6

This has worked flawlessly up until the recent removal of Oracle jdk’s without apt packages

It is my experience that everything on wrt JDKs is outdated and mostly is incorrect due to . “In flux” seems to be the current situation. The big O company gets some of the blame, but it has been in the pipes for a long time.

According to the build history, the last successful build is dated 01.08.2017 and was run in the Precise environment. The last successful PR build installs the apt package manually.

It’s not even supposed to work at all in precise.
The most recent build does install it manually just so I could get it working.

I agree “in flux” seems to be correct.

Any update on this? I’m using this code, which I took from the Travis’ official doc:

dist: trusty
language: java

      - openjdk-6-jdk
  - openjdk6

and my build fails during setup saying Expected feature release number in range of 9 to 14, but got: 6 (build job)

Am I doing something wrong? How can I use Java 6 on Travis?