At firts on 12/24/2019, it did’nt worked . After 3 runs, i gave a break to myself and retried after 3 hours , twice it worked on 12/24/2019 but today it is not working
Looks like at times it is working . IF you have multiple images, please check which one is working and which is not.
I am facing the exact same issue
0.01s$ openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_9f3b5599b056_key -iv $encrypted_9f3b5599b056_iv -in service-account.json.enc -out service-account.json -d
200iv undefined
201The command “openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_9f3b5599b056_key -iv $encrypted_9f3b5599b056_iv -in service-account.json.enc -out service-account.json -d” failed and exited with 1 during .
Check if your build is getting this encrypted variable. E.g. PR builds don’t have access to encrypted variables (unless the PR branch is from the same repository).
@abhisekp To not use encrypted files, or a least not use them in external PR builds. Anything that you give external PRs access to is effectively public information because they contain untrusted code.