Is there a limit on the number of builds you can have?

I have 11 different builds in phpseclib/.travis.yml at 1.0 · phpseclib/phpseclib · GitHub and yet I’m only seeing 10 builds at Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence . This makes me wonder… is there a limit on the number of builds you can have?

If so then there hasn’t always been a limit. See Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence for example. 15 different builds. But things can always change I guess…

You probably mean “jobs”. See Newcomer question: what are builds, jobs and stages? - #2 by native-api

Your build only defines 10 jobs ( php 5.4, 5.5.9, 5.5 etc) so it’s all as expected.

You can use to verify what your .travis.yml is parsed into.