Hi there,
I need to test my against against Python 3.6.0. This version needs to be exact.
But if I write it like this
language: python
python: # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/python/#python-versions
- "3.6" # got Python 3.6.7
- "3.6.0" # produces error 404 not found
it does not work (see comments).
My my question is, how can I install Python 3.6.0 on Xenial?
Currently we don’t have 3.6.0 for Xenial, but we do for others, including bionic.
If it succeeds, it will be available within 24 hours.
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The build was successful, right?
But I’m still unable to use Python 3.6.0 with Travis 
it hasn’t been 24 hours yet.
Now there are. And the problem is still the same.
Oops. I apologize. The build I indicated earlier was for Bionic. 
I’ve kicked off one for Xenial now.
1 Like
Thank you very much! It works now 
Maybe there was a good reason for not supporting Python 3.6.0:
There is a bug in coverage
Details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/issues/703
Example travis output of my project: https://github.com/LostInDarkMath/pedantic-python-decorators/pull/27/checks?check_run_id=1165391001
I guess the only way to avoid this is changing to Python 3.6.1, right?