I deploy my tests environment in docker containers. So, I separated deployment into 2 parts: building docker image with all needed environment and running every tests suite in he second job test. Here is my travis file:
Here is build in Travis:
Could anyone help me, I cannot find out why I have 2 jobs for suite1.
You have two jobs defined with env
These belong to the default Test
stage, as described in https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-stages/#naming-your-build-stages.
You have 2 additional jobs in
one in Build docker image
, and the other in Test
Ok, thanks. How can I have only 2 jobs in stage test? Used env “suite” should define new job, i.e.
1t job - env = suite1
2d job - env = suite2
But I use the same script for yhese two suites. I cannot find where I have to set env for stage test.
Drop the “test” job in jobs.include
. If the script
is meant to be shared by the two jobs in the “test” stage (one with suite1
, and the other with suite2
), then defining script
at the top level will result in the configuration you want.
- suite=suite1
- suite=suite2
script: # this will be shared by the two jobs above
- mkdir allure-results
- stage: build docker image
env: suite=null
script: # this will override the `script` defined at the top level
- echo …
Thanks, it works. But if I want to run the stage: build docker image firstly and after finishing this job - to run suite1 and suite2. Because my suite1 and suite2 are depended from Docker image.
It helps, thanks!
I deleted test from jobs and included
- docker
So, this configuration works in right way:
dist: trusty
- docker
- docker-build
- test
- suite=suite1
- suite=suite2
- mkdir allure-results
- stage: docker-build
env: suite=null
- echo ...