How to skip jobs based on the files changed in a subdirectory?

Another script:

set -e
# This script is called by Travis during the install step.
# It returns 1 if no files where changed. In that case
# no further building/test is required for this image


echo "Travis event type: $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE"

if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" == "api" ]
    # trigger via travis dashboard
    # test all
    echo "Trigger all tests"
    exit 0

# in our repo each job runs in it's own folder
cd "$IMAGE_NAME-docker"

CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff --name-status HEAD~1...HEAD .)
if [ -z "$CHANGED_FILES" ]
    # nothing changed, skip building
    echo "No changes in $IMAGE_NAME, terminate"
    # this indicates to the parent script that the build can be terminated
    exit 137

echo "There were changes in $IMAGE_NAME changes: $CHANGED_FILES"
exit 0

In the travis.yml file the script is called during the install phase

./ $IMAGE_NAME ; RETURN_CODE=$? ; if [ $RETURN_CODE -eq 137 ]; then travis_terminate 0; elif [ $RETURN_CODE -ne 0 ]; then travis_terminate $RETURN_CODE; fi

If the check_changes script fails somehow you want to detect this and fail the build with an error.