Dpl v2 creates 2 GitHub releases with the same tag/name when deploying for multiple platforms

When deploying both Linux & macOS with dpl v1 when building a tag I get the intended single release named for the tag. When I change the deploy section to use dpl v2 I get 2 releases with the name of the tag. I’m not sure either of them actually corresponds to the commit of the tag.

Here is the deployment that works:

  - provider: releases
    #edge: true # Use bleeding edge (dplv2)
    api_key: $GITHUB_TOKEN  # Set in the repo settings page as a secure variable
    file_glob: true
      - build-macos/KTX-Software-*.pkg
    skip_cleanup: true
    draft: true
    prerelease: true
      tags: true
      condition: $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = osx
  - provider: releases
    #edge: true # Use bleeding edge (dplv2)
    api_key: $GITHUB_TOKEN  # Set in the repo settings page as a secure variable
    file_glob: true
      - build-linux-release/KTX-Software-*-Linux.*
      - build-web-release/KTX-Software-*-Web-*.zip
    skip_cleanup: true
    draft: true
    prerelease: true
      tags: true
      condition: $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = linux

If I uncomment the 2 edge: true lines so it uses dpl v2, I get the 2 same-named releases I mentioned. I want to use dpl v2 so I can use the release_notes: option.

This issue is identical to that described in https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/10230 though given the date it would seem that is talking about dpl v1, with which I am not having the problem. And since dpl v1 is working w.r.t it is not clear the workarounds would help.