Deploy running with deploy.on.tags = true even on non-tag builds

I have jobs triggered by commits to master ( as well as triggered by cron scheduled builds ( that started failing within the past day or two because the deploy stage is being run when it should not. I have it configured to only run on tags:

  provider: script
  script: ansible-playbook -i 'localhost,' scripts/deploy.yml -e "tag=$TRAVIS_TAG"
    tags: true
    condition: $DISTRO = centos7

For the past week this has run on a daily schedule with no problem (see past builds here:… it seems the problem only started occurring in the past day or two. Did something change with the deploy on conditions?

This looks related: Deployment incorrectly triggered (conditional not honored)

Indeed, this should be a duplicate.

I have a deploy stage set up like:

  [other stages]
  - stage: deploy
      tags: true
    provider: script
    - "./.travis/docker_push.bash"
    skip_cleanup: true

This stage was running on commits that didn’t have a tag created by the previous stage. You can see on the link that I changed to using the $TRAVIS_TAG env variable, but it fails. What am I misunderstanding here?

on: is only valid for, and located under, the deploy: clause. And it only sets a condition for a specific deployment in the deploy phase, not for the entire job.

If you need to run an entire job conditionally, use if: as per Conditional Builds, Stages and Jobs - Travis CI.

The condition to define a stage is explained in

What you need is:

  - stage: deploy
    if: tag IS present
    # ⋮

Thank you very much, I was carrying this bit from another CI yaml and assumed it worked the same way.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Deployment incorrectly triggered (conditional not honored)