Curl Python times out

I recently set up CI for a Python package on ARM64, s390x and ppc64le. It’s a fairly simple setup which fails at random because the build times out after failing to curl the Python archive.

language: python
dist: bionic
  - ppc64le
  - s390x
  - arm64

  - "3.7"

Log of a failed job on s390x:

Downloading archive:

$ curl -sSf --retry 5 -o python-3.7.tar.bz2 ${archive_url}

curl: (23) Failed writing body (1245 != 16375)

Unable to download 3.7 archive. The archive may not exist. Please consider a different version.

Any recommended way to deal with this issue?


Current config to get Python 3.7 is:

language: python
sudo: required
dist: (fill in your dist) 
python: "3.7"

Assuming you have multiple jobs via looking at your yaml config now, you can obviously edit your .travis.yml to your needs. Let me know if this helps any, if not post back and I’ll help you further.


the only difference to my current .travis.yml is putting python: "3.7" on a single line instead of using a list and adding sudo: required.

I pushed this version and the build failed again with the same error. Might be worth noting that this issue almost exclusively happens on the s390x target. Here’s a link to the failed build with your suggested changes:

Downloading archive:

$ curl -sSf --retry 5 -o python-3.7.tar.bz2 ${archive_url}

curl: (23) Failed writing body (1246 != 1387)

Unable to download 3.7 archive. The archive may not exist. Please consider a different version.


Confirmed fixed.