Combining The Linux Infrastructures

We’re combining the linux infrastructures into a single one. Read away on our blog for all details and feel free to leave a comment. :slight_smile:

Will the new infrastructure still be centered around the ubuntu distributions? I noticed that the default one is currently still trusty, which reaches eol next year, while the next LTS one is still marked as experimental. So I wonder if it makes sense to prepare for Xenial, or if it will go into another direction.

There are no plans as far as I’m aware to step away from Ubuntu distributions, so I’d continue planning around that. We’ll be sure to let you know if that changes! :slight_smile:

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Given that the container-based infrastructure boots faster, how will this impact the end-to-end speed of our builds?

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We’re working on improving this in a number of ways. Among them, we’re adding pre-booted VMs, and making further resource improvements. We’ll share updates as soon as we can, but we are aiming to bring boot time as low as possible. :slight_smile:

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In your article: it states:
" Over the next few weeks, we encourage everyone to remove any sudo: false configurations from your .travis.yml . Soon we will run all projects on the virtual-machine-based infrastructure, the sudo keyword will be fully deprecated."

Most, if not all, of our projects use sudo: required. Should we leave this as is, or remove sudo completely?

You can leave it as is, if you’d like. If you’re updating the configs for other reasons feel free to remove it, but there’s no need to go out of your way. :slightly_smiling_face:

seems to me that “booting the vm” is now the slowest step for most jobs. spinning up a container is super fast (possibly insecure, limited, etc.), but still…

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In case you did not observe everything that happens with Travis in the last years was regarding cutting their costs, not really improving the platform. That one move painted as “consolidation”, could have being rephrased as “We dropped using containers for builds”. Best move for small projects is to switch to Azure-Pipelines which are far less restrictive and are not subject of cost-cutting. In fact the refreshed Github Actions is mostly the same thing but it will be publicly available only from November 2019.

Nobody can deny the benefits to open-source coming from Travis but nothing lasts forever.