C# build takes very long; NUnit takes several seconds between test-cases

Here’s one of my builds that took about 20 minutes to run. The main reason (that I’m concerned with) is that running NUnit tests pauses between test executions.

Locally, if I run dotnet test, it executes the tests in a few seconds (less than ten). If I run it with normal verbosity (like I do in Travis), I can see the individual test execution times are slightly slower than when they run on Travis; the total runtimes reported also seem similar.

However, I noticed that the build seems to freeze for several seconds between each successive test case. I suspected output buffering, but the builds actually do take very long.

Is this actually a problem and/or something I can do something about?

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I am having the same issue: running on my desktop, the test process is only taking 24 seconds. I don’t see any command line switches which would affect this. In fact, it doesn’t change if I add the --no-build switch to dotnet test command. Not sure why the wide variation in execution time is occurring.

I have the same problem on https://travis-ci.org/microting/eform-sdk-dotnet/builds/660086733

Ths takes 30 minutes in total to run on a local computer, but on Travis it it’s Total time 1 hr 58 min 42 sec

It’s probably related to the issue with dotnet test writes “Test run in progress…”

Profiling is the only way that I know of to find out where it’s spending time. Output buffering is possible – in this case, time would be spent blocked in console I/O. But since e.g. https://travis-ci.org/rambotech/BOG.SwissArmyKnife/builds/651017725 doesn’t generate much output (look at the raw log to also see output that may be hidden with terminal control characters), that’s improbable.