Build hangs after upgrading from focal to jammy

Switching the dist from focal to jammy causes an otherwise successful build to hang for 14 minutes after Travis CI kills it. The only change was made to the dist; focal does not hang.

Hi @khatchad,

Can I see your .travis.yml?

os: linux
dist: jammy
language: java
jdk: openjdk11
  apt: true
  pip: true
  - "$HOME/.m2"
  - "$HOME/.p2"
  - $HOME/.cache/pip
    packages: python3
- xvfb
  - pip3 install -r tests/requirements.txt
before_script: python3 --version
- mkdir "$HOME/git"
- pushd .
- cd "$HOME/git"
- pwd
- git clone --depth=50 --branch=... ...
- popd
- mvn clean verify -Pjacoco coveralls:report
    secure: ...

Hey @khatchad,

Just to try something here, if you try removing the Coveralls test, does it pass?

Sorry, we worked around it by using focal but installing Python 3.10. However, the coveralls test was passing and submitting data.

The tests pass on jammy. It’s just that the build hangs and then eventually times out. If you want to get in touch with my privately, I can provide you with the private repo URL if you want to experiment. Thanks.

Hey @khatchad,

That’d be wonderful.

Hi @khatchad,

I noticed different Java versions for each of the builds you sent me:

Jammy: The project’s OSGi version is
Focal: The project’s OSGi version is

The errors are most likely related to the code (check your dependencies).

Since Jammy is a newer image it might have issues, I will be looking into this and getting you an update as soon as possible. Currently the Jammy image uses Oracle JDK and Focal uses Bellsoft. I will check all avenues on our end.

It looks like it has passed that part of the build, though. It seems to hang when the build is done.