Build errored when updating publication list

Hi there, Our project website is hosted on Github (
Recently I have been trying to update the publication lists and I keep getting errors during the build. Here is the most recent one: Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence

Any ideas what could be causing this?

Hi @johannag126,

Out of curiosity can you try defining focal in your .travis.yml. See if that solves the problem.

Remember, when Travis restores the cache, sometimes you’re left with a mix of preinstalled and cached files, with unpredictable results in a case of the slightest change.

Thanks @Montana, appreciate the help ! I was not 100% how to define focal in .travis.yml
Based on documentation I found, I added the line “dist: focal” in .travis.yml. I still got a build error unfortunately: Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence
Please let me know if I should have done anything different or if I should try something else entirely…

Hi there, just checking again if anyone has any ideas on what to try to fix this bug. Thanks!

Hi @johannag126,

I’ve switched your dist to xenial here’s a .travis.yml you should try and get back to me:

# Doctr requires python >=3.5
language: python
  - 3.6

# * gh-pages need to be deployed to master
# sphinx source lives in "source" branch

# safelist
  # don't build the docs on master because that's just the html source
  - master

# This gives Doctr the key we've generated
sudo: false
    # Doctr deploy key for ocean-eddy-cpt/
    - secure: "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"

dist: xenial

  - pip install --upgrade pip
  - pip install -r requirements.txt

# This is the script to build the docs on travis, then deploy
  - set -e
  - cd doc
  - make html
  - cd ..

  - doctr deploy . --built-docs doc/_build/html --deploy-branch-name master --branch-whitelist source

Hi @Montana ,

Thank you for the suggestion! I have updated the .travis.yml file as suggested but still got an error during the build: Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions on what could be wrong.

Here’s a passing build without deployment:

# Doctr requires python >=3.5
language: python
  - 3.6.7

# * gh-pages need to be deployed to master
# sphinx source lives in "source" branch

# safelist
  # don't build the docs on master because that's just the html source
  - master

# This gives Doctr the key we've generated
sudo: false
    # Doctr deploy key for ocean-eddy-cpt/
    - secure: "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"

dist: xenial

  - pip install --upgrade pip
  - pip install -r requirements.txt

# This is the script to build the docs on travis, then deploy
  - set -e
  - cd doc
  - make html
  - cd ..

  #- doctr deploy . --built-docs doc/_build/html --deploy-branch-name master --branch-whitelist source

There appears to be a version mismatch, I pinned the one used in passing builds and seems to run fine:

In case you need to sort out your library versions: diff - Diff Checker.

IT WORKED! Thank you so much for all your help!!

Hi @johannag126,

Happy it worked!