Installing Java 14 fails with "travis_setup_java: command not found"

The issue seems to be that Travis does not have this script that sets up the Java installation installed on their VMs anymore.
A quick and dirty fix to get our CI working again is:

First, add this at the top of before-install

  # TEMPORARY hack to get around Travis not installing Java
  # Remove this and the "" file once Travis installs java properly again!
  # Copied from the output of the "install_jdk" task in our last successful build
  - export JAVA_HOME=~/openjdk14
  - export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH"
  - ./ --target "/home/travis/openjdk14" --workspace "/home/travis/.cache/install-jdk" --feature "14" --license "GPL" --cacerts

Then download this script and put it in the root of your repository as “