"bad decrypt" when there are multiple encrypted files

As per Custom deployment - Problem with SFTP key and cURL: "curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server" - #13 by aleks-rodriguez, it looks like this problem resurfaces if one is using the same decryption key variables multiple times:

$ openssl aes-zss-cbc -K Sencrypted_9886as3a028f_key -1v Sencrypted_9806a53a028f_1v -in ssh-pair.enc -out ssh-pair -d
$ openssl aes-zss-cbc -K Sencrypted_9886asaad28f_key -iv Sencrypted_9806a533d28f_iv -in id_rsa.enc -out id_rsa -d
bad decrypt

In this case, make sure to use the exact command, including variable names, that travis encrypt-file gave you.
(And if travis encrypt-file actually gave you identical variable names, this means you’re using a very outdated version of the travis gem – which you should have received a warning about.)